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Accompany and Represent



If you have questions as to your responsabilities as a resource. If you have questions as to your Group Agreement. If the establishment is asking you to take on tasks and you are not sure of where you stand.


We are here to help, please to not hesitate to contact us.

If your work conditions are becoming difficult. If you've been convened to the office. You should know that for certain meetings you have the right to an association representative.


We strongly encourage you to contact us so that we may answer any questions, share some information or organize a time to accompany you before attending any such meeting.


Please do not hesitate to contact us, it is your right as a member. 

CUPE local 4997 represents all IR/FTR resources in adult services for the CIUSSS ouest de l'ile de Montreal.


We, along with the Quebec city local 4950, la Mauricie local 5236 and Ile de la Madeleine local 5298 have the right and responsibility to negotiate our Collective Agreement.

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