CUPE-Local 4997
Association of
Family-Type Resources
for the CIUSSS de l'Ouest-de-l'île-de-Montréal
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the more frequently asked questions from our members. If the answer you need is not here please do not hesitate to contact us.
Can a Association representative accompany me to CIUSSS administrative inquiry?
Yes, it is your right to have a Association representative accompany you during an administrative inquiry. In fact the CIUSSS should inform us directly of the investigation and we have an obligation to go with you. The CIUSSS should inform you of this right when they contact you. We highly recommend that you contact us to discuss your situation and the date and time of the administrative inquiry meeting.
Are my kilometers and transportation costs reimbursed if the CIUSSS ask me to transport a user?
Yes. Please click the link on the Home page under Group Agreement for detailed information on exact reimbursement. Article 3-8.00 states all reimbursements. Essentially, if requested and in must be in writing by the CIUSSS, most transportation costs such as kilometers, backup (if applicable), etc... are reimbursed in our Group Agreement.
Am I reimboursed for attending trainings?
Yes. You are eligible to be reimbursed for your time (in sections of the day: morning, afternoon or evening at $40 a section), your meal (Breakfast, departure before 7am/$10.40. Lunch, departure before 11am for afternoon training or return after 1pm for a morning training/$14.30. Supper, departure before 5pm for an evening training or return after 7pm for an afternoon training/$21.55) and your kilometers to and from the training (minus the first 11 kilometers). At the training a reimbursement form from the CIUSSS should be provided to you. You may either fill it out and hand it in to a CIUSSS staff at the training or bring it home and fax it in, you should not fax the form in later then your next attendance sheet return date. While this is a relatively new procedure, we have notice that reimbursements can take 2-3 months.
How many days do I have to file a complaint (grievance)?
As per Article 6-2.03 of our Collective Agreement you have "within 60 days of the date of the event or of the resource becoming aware of the event". We encourage you to first contact, in writing, a representative of the CIUSSS to settle the matter, however please keep in mind the 60 day limit for a complaint if you are not receiving the response you feel you are owed.